What is cosmic consciousness and how to connect to it?

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➤ Patrick Nana

We vividly affirm the presence of an Ego every time we lose control and get stuck in the awfulness of our chaotic ways, unhealthiness, laziness, addiction, and disorders; Whether is freaquing out, shutting down, going crazy, or causing harm to ourselves or to other around us.

It’s about time to accept the presence of a Hero consciousness that freely brings us back into nurturing light, protects us from the negative ways of life, and equips us with the necessary love energy to further strengthen our sanity, our cosmic nature, and self-esteem; from chaos to cosmos; from chaotic to cosmic energy; from disorder to order: from disease to ease: and once recorded in the history of humanity as potentially destructive, hostile or harmful to anyone whether or not we even believe it is there or even exists

Cosmic consciousness

Cosmic consciousness encompasses all the positive qualities needed for a fulfilling life, which exist within you. Unlike ego consciousness, cosmic consciousness is a non-arbitrary and unwavering force that cannot work against your growth, progress, or moral values. Meaning: it will never betray you or abandon you. Cosmic consciousness represents the intelligent and supernatural life forces and good principles that sustain you physically and spiritually until you die. 

The cosmic consciousness sense represents the intrinsic energy within each individual that remains steadfast, trustworthy, and committed to safeguarding and guiding them. It is the source of energy that vigilantly oversees and ensures that individuals are not overwhelmed by an excess of light energy beyond their capacity to manage.

For example

For example, our bodies do not decompose while we are alive due to cosmic consciousness. Also, regardless of how poor our behavior becomes toward ourselves and others, neither our internal moral compass nor our free will ever abandons us or shuts down. Most importantly, due to our cosmic nature, there has never been, and there never will be a time when humankind has to worry about their life energy’s true agenda. There’s no need to fear that we don’t respect our own existence or the existence of others enough to deserve waking up all over again after falling asleep into total darkness as many times as we wish and feel like it.

The origin of cosmic consciousness

People sometimes refer to the origin of cosmic consciousness as the eternal soul, the infinite source of light, or the power within. It possesses a power greater than all the forces of the universe combined. Many philosophers defined the human mind as the most powerful device in existence due to its undeniable powers and abilities to endlessly evolve, adapt, and spiritually restore itself beyond its limitation over time. Based on beliefs, cosmic consciousne is a power without which the universe will be a very meaningless place of empty matter.

However, science quickly claimed this existential power and wrongfully denied the existence of spiritual matter and forces that could support mental and human evolution because they could never study them logically due to a lack of physical evidence, knowledge, and religious coordination.
Though the search for cosmic consciousness has been around for over 3000 years right up to the present, the first man to ever publish evidence of the existence of cosmic consciousness in the late nineteenth century was none other than the founding father Dr. Richard Maurice Buck and the author of the book called cosmic consciousness and the Evolution of the human mind, in which he explains why he appraises cosmic consciousness as both the most challenging subject in spirituality and the highest stage of spiritual and mental evolution.
Strategically, without forcing any quid pro quo spiritual campaign on anyone, he also added the names of famous spiritual world leaders like Jesus Christ, the Buddha, and Muhammad to emphasize the difference between those who have achieved cosmic consciousness and those who have not yet started their hero journey and reach that level of complete oneness of mind, body, and spirit with the cosmos. This is not a religious call, and I’m not religious; I respect everyone’s belief system, but my heart and soul believe in Jesus Christ, whose exploits, by the way, have inspired the search and study of cosmic consciousness around the world to the point where the term cosmic consciousness was renamed Christ consciousness or Christ level of awareness or hero consciousness, in attempt to refer to the best of ways to be human.


The hero’s journey represents a universally recognized framework and an invitation to embrace a higher level of consciousness for anyone open to it. It is an essential aspect of spiritual development, offering valuable guidance on how to effectively shift the ego from being perceived as an adversary to becoming a valuable asset for the human mind. … Recognizing that cosmic consciousness is inherently present within each individual and always available as a guiding force could greatly facilitate humanity’s journey. Consequently, this post will much shorter.

You, I, and everybody who has ever lived understands that breathing is not the same as knowing how to breathe properly, eating is not the same as knowing how to nourish yourself correctly, and healing, speaking, resting, and living are entirely different from mastering how to rest, live, communicate effectively, and stay healthy despite life’s challenges… And the list could go on and on for days..

So let’s move on.

If we can all agree that the cosmic consciousness scope is indeed too vast to be compressed by the objective guiding’s measure of science, then you have come to the right place to improve your understanding of this knowledge. Cosmic consciousness is not another religion but what’s already inside you, awaiting your faithful command to fruitfully awaken.

It’s an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, a chance to develop improved problem-solving abilities, nurture a deeper relationship with oneself, elevate personal values intelligently, transform your mindset with cosmic perspective, and experience true mental tranquility. Yet, without the roadmap to the mind that I’ve uncovered, this profound quest could consume a lifetime.

Though I was born in 1993, I fully awakened to the state of cosmic consciousness around the year 2008. I started my hero journey of self-discovery in the hope of unraveling the building blocks of mental health and mental evolution. 

I wasn’t just looking for individual footprints in the sand to follow but for cosmic arrangements like the why behind the ordained nature of the alphabet, the counting system, the human body, the calendar, the clock, the relationship between colors, shapes, sound, frequency, energy, and vibration; anything in the universe that could help me get close to solve fundamental mental health problem, trauma, and understand the true nature of the mind and the need for balance in life in the most ordained, enjoyable, exciting and relatable ways possible. You dig! Consequently, on my journey, I made three essential mental breakthroughs that I believe are a critical addition to human evolution and mental development everywhere in the world.

1. Depression is not a bad thing
2. Happiness is not enough
3. Mental health is effortless

The ‘What is,’ the ‘What was,’ and the ‘What will forever be.’

“Holy Moly” we are Love! What must happen to support evolution will happen, has already happened, and is happening right now! Every day, the existence of cosmic consciousness generates new experiences that guide humanity closer and closer to the source and the true nature of love. The start of cosmic consciousness can be closely associated with a map that can’t be changed because the process to achieve and maintain it is the same today as it was back then, and will be centuries from now. This is the same information that helped me answer multiple million dollars of questions. Starting with these three:

  1. Which region of the mind is cosmic consciousness located and not located to facilitate its activation, development, and learning?
  2. Are certain people more incapacitated than others to evolve into the state of cosmic consciousness and higher mental evolution?
  3. Last but not least, how does one attain and achieve cosmic consciousness in life correctly to prevent regression over time?

How to attain cosmic consciousness?

Prompto, do you really want this? Can you endure the evolution?

It’s easy to hear, ‘I’m sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me and lost control.’ But you will never hear anyone say something like, ‘Sorry, I lost track of what doesn’t count and became the best version of me,’ or ‘It all went dark, and the next thing I knew, I was the best person for me,’ or ‘Damn, I don’t know what came over me, I didn’t mean to do meaningful charity work and help protect the world,’ or ‘After being stuck living a life of lies for years, I found the light again oopsy!’ Never! Why? First, righteousness can never happen without a conscious desire to willingly do it but unrighteousness can easily happen against your will.

The human experience involves the interplay between the ego and the soul. While the ego can sometimes exert control over the mind without our consent, the soul always requires our full agreement to influence us. This dynamic creates a duality between ego, self, or chaotic consciousness, and hero, soul, or cosmic awareness. When cosmic consciousness takes precedence, the ego consciousness doesn’t diminish but rather evolves into a respected partner of the mind and a potent ally.

When ego consciousness holds all the cards, cosmic consciousness can become increasingly suppressed and essentially disregarded, almost as if it were a mere myth. This includes the efforts of the living soul to protect the body from self-destructive tendencies, which, by the way, do not have any negative impact on the ego.

For example

Ever heard the term the light of humanity is fading away! I can guarantee it has nothing to do with loss of humanity and good people like most people think but the loss in lifespan expectancy! I wonder about the potential longevity of a person whose mental faculties deteriorate at a natural rate over time, gradually losing touch with their humanity, mental sanity, and connection to cosmic energy. Eventually, could they unlock the ability to attune their mind to the same 144000 hertz frequency utilized by the same cosmic force that maintain and harmonize the light and life energy of the entire universe as a unified entity?… An energy that is 100% free … but who cares?

The state of cosmic consciousness has the capacity to help the mind by preventing the ego from impeding and undermining the natural flow of cosmic energy within the body. This allows the human mind to heal more efficiently and without interruption from the negative influence of the ego. As a result, the mind can evolve without hindrance and gain the ability to distinguish between the ego’s voice and the soul’s voice.

Consider the possibility of transitioning into a new phase where you focus on developing positive qualities more rapidly, rather than wrestling with the challenge of overcoming negative habits. This shift can be attributed to a reduced influence of the human ego, thereby making it less strenuous for the mind to sustain viscous circle and harmful habits like addictions, trauma and hate, thus making room for a more happier lifestyle 

  • We are talking about emotions no longer defending destructive habits but reinforcing healing quality.
  • We are talking about evolution from mental illness to mental stillness and disorder to order.
  • We are talking about stronger masculine or feminine energy restoration, recalibration, understanding, interpretation, preservation, and flow.
  • We are talking about how focusing on negativity becomes harder, and focusing on the positive in life becomes easier based on your own level of cosmic consciousness and progress toward the light of love or the love of light… whatever rock your boat!
  • We are talking about developing solidness of heart and wealthiness of spirit effortlessly over time just by dwelling in the right conscious state of mind and body and “knowing” the cost of doubting and defiling the cosmic rules
The capabilities of cosmic consciousness are vast, and the human mind is filled with infinite potential and energy once it has broken free from the illusion of comfort or chaotic energy, also referred to as the Ma-ster of -Trix. It’s crucial to recognize that the chaotic version of oneself is just as essential as the cosmic version in sustaining cosmic consciousness, allowing for the alignment of the chakra, the full evolution of the third eye and the reaching of the crown. And this process may take a lifetime without the MAP.

While the pursuit of cosmic consciousness is a challenging endeavor that may not be suitable for everyone, it is a profound and transformative experience for the mind. It’s important to acknowledge that not everyone may attain or awaken to cosmic consciousness in this life time, and there are potential risks associated with attempting to reach the highest stage of mental evolution, particularly in older age.

Your mind is at war! And the battlefield looks like this: There is an aging and dying consciousness on the left side responsible to help you find and push your limitations or used them against you to destroy you from the inside out. It all depends! And on the other right side, there is a living and evolving consciousness solely responsible to protect you from yourself, your darkness, your limitations and to help you maintain balance and achieve completion into the light without delay. One is forever on your side by decree, and the other will never be on your side without a cosmic fight!

In just 21 days, I can help you achieve cosmic consciousness. However, I cannot guarantee that you will not choose to return to your ego. I can help you navigate the map of the mind, which you may have encountered in various forms before, but your current cosmic energy level may make it challenging to fully understand and translate it. 

I must warn you! This is life-changing! You take the blue pill; you go back to sleep! You take the red pill, and I’ll show you the powerful hero lying dormant within you.

Do you still aspire to attain cosmic consciousness and embrace the next stage of mental evolution, leading to greater mental freedom?

Let me help you when you are ready!